‘It’s good to talk’ but are you REALLY listening?
Zaira Mughal Zaira Mughal

‘It’s good to talk’ but are you REALLY listening?

You’re probably familiar with the adages “it’s good to talk”, “a problem shared is a problem halved” and “two heads are better than one”. Most of us would like to think we’re ‘that person’ who friends, family members or colleagues reach out to for help when they’re struggling with some aspect of their lives. And we probably also think that we’re great listeners, we have lots of life experience and give great advice.

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Stop making resolutions and start setting intentions
Zaira Mughal Zaira Mughal

Stop making resolutions and start setting intentions

It’s a new year. Time to embrace a new YOU. Let’s make a list of all the things that we want to change. New habits, new mindsets, new routines. Let’s pick apart all the things that aren’t quite good enough and figure out how to make it better… Take a deep breath. This is your permission to give yourself a break from creating a new years resolution.

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Grief is love in disguise: creative ideas to celebrate your loved one
Zaira Mughal Zaira Mughal

Grief is love in disguise: creative ideas to celebrate your loved one

I’ve been thinking a lot about grief lately. In the wake of the pandemic, it’s an energy that’s present within most of my clients, yet it looks, sounds, feels and manifests itself in different ways with everyone. Sometimes, it can feel like you’re on a pendulum, swinging between a state of shock and hurt to momentarily ‘forgetting’ and numbness. For some it feels like an all encompassing intensity: a life that will never be the same again. For others it's a gentle wave of bittersweet moments that come and go.

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Happiness at work - how do we show we care?
Zaira Mughal Zaira Mughal

Happiness at work - how do we show we care?

It’s only natural that wellbeing encompasses all aspects of life, because we’re human and not just our job titles yet oftentimes, many organisations forget that fact and fall into the trap of prioritising profit over people, so we end up with shocking statistics about the state of our wellbeing and happiness in the workplace.

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The benefits of scheduling joy!
Zaira Mughal Zaira Mughal

The benefits of scheduling joy!

For many of us, life can feel like we’re on a never-ending hamster wheel of busyness. Our days are filled with ‘musts’, ‘shoulds’, ‘have-tos’ and an endless stream of life's obligations

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