Integrative Arts Psychotherapy & Creative Well-being Coaching and Facilitating

with Zaira Mughal

Hello :) I’m Zaira, and I’m a trainee Integrative Arts Psychotherapist, Creative Well-being Coach & Facilitator, and Energy Healer.

My style of trauma-informed psychotherapy, coaching and facilitating is creative, playful, embodied and intuitive - because that is who I am.

I’ve successfully supported hundreds of people that were feeling low, unmotivated and stuck in life to listen to the wisdom of their creative life force, body, heart and mind intelligence, and transform their ways of being, feeling, thinking, doing and being with others.

I use the arts, somatic practices, visualisations and humanistic techniques that are anchored in neuroscience to expand your self-awareness, feel and process your emotions, understand and transform your core beliefs, and experiment with new behaviours that support you to live your potential and experience a fulfilling life. 

How can I support you?

Life is challenging sometimes and can feel like we’re on a non-stop hamster wheel fuelled by demands and pressure. Our days are filled with ‘musts’, ‘have-tos’ and an endless stream of obligations; work challenges and deadlines, your family’s needs, parenting duties, social commitments, adulting-chores of running a household, maintaining your car, tending to bills, admin and the list goes on. The more we do, the more the wheel spins, and the faster we descend into feelings of overwhelm, stress, anxiety, burn-out, and loneliness because we often tend to struggle through our days alone.

These feelings are a natural response to the fast-paced, hyper-connected, and productivity-driven society we live in. These feelings and our patterns of how we navigate life challenges are also influenced by our unique life experiences that shape:

what you think about yourself, others and the world, and the quality of these thoughts

how you feel, how you understand your emotions and how this impacts how you behave

how you relate to and communicate your needs with people

Together, we can make sense of what you’ve experienced in a compassionate, non-judgemental and gentle way. We’ll explore how these experiences have impacted your life today, how healthy or unhealthy your thoughts and behaviours are, and how we can make comfortable changes that support you to live a joyful, balanced, inspired, and fulfilling life. 

Life challenges we can overcome together

How We’ll Work Together

My theoretical orientation as a trainee arts psychotherapist is integrative, which means I draw on a number of theoretical approaches to inform treatment plans and interventions. These theoretical approaches include psychodynamic, transactional analysis, gestalt, attachment, mentalisation and neuroscience amongst others. 

The heart of my work is YOU. I value our relationship and work collaboratively, which means that we’ll take our time to build trust and safety with each other, and co-create interventions that are in support of your therapeutic goals.

I am based in the UK and offer online arts therapy, coaching and energy healing.

Modalities, Practices and Principles

  • Art Therapy Image Making

    2D and 3D image making, objects, clay

    The arts help us to access our unconscious and subconscious; the place where our core beliefs about ourselves, others and the world lives. The process of making art activates our right-brain functionality (governs creativity) and opens up new perspectives for living, as opposed to habitual ways of thinking, feeling and doing.

  • Embodiment Body Work

    Bodywork, breathwork and movement

    We’re often disconnected with the felt sensations, breath, postures and movements of our body. Somatic practices strengthen our parasympathetic nervous system, enhance body, mind and soul connection, and support you to understand the wisdom and intelligence contained inside your body.

  • Guided visualisation meditation

    Guided visualisations and meditation

    Guided visualisations ignite your creativity by imagining the state of being that you want to feel. Our bodies react to our imagination in the same way as if it were real, which allows us to consciously create and experience healthy emotional states. Visualisations also support us to transcend our ego mind, and access the visions and guidance of our true self.

  • Psychotherapy

    Integrative psychotherapy and co-active coaching principles

    I believe that you are unique, creative, resourceful and your lived experience and emotions are valid. I don’t give advice or provide solutions to your challenges. I support you to tune into and express your authenticity, emotions, needs and desires. You are your own greatest source of medicine.

Integrative Arts Psychotherapy

1:1 online arts psychotherapy to deepen your relationship with yourself and strengthen your mental health and wellbeing

Creative Wellbeing Coaching

1:1 online creative wellbeing coaching to transform an area of life you’re feeling stuck in

Creative Wellbeing In the Workplace

Group based online and in-person workshops that promote self-awareness, enhances connections and fosters wellbeing in organisations

Intuitive Energy Healing Sessions

1:1 online or in-person sessions that use life force energy to bring awareness to energy blocks and activate inner healing

Creative expression art therapy

When you choose to ignite your creative fire,

your potential becomes exponential

Discover how the arts can help you to navigate life challenges, support yourself to thrive, activate your imagination towards life, and unleash new possibilities.

  • Are you ready to reconnect with the truest, most loving, creative, courageous, driven, and abundant version of yourself?

  • Are you ready to reignite your self-love, self-belief, self-worth, passion, creativity, and heart-led willpower?

  • Are you ready to manifest the highest, most expansive vision for your life, your community and humanity?

The world needs who you are becoming

What People Are Saying


“Zaira holds space with a profound level of compassion and care. It was transformative to feel so held and seen, and she reconnected me with a deeper level of purpose, connectedness, joy and gratitude in my life. Our time together was a blessing and a gift.”

-Robert Alexander, Co-founder, Breathscape, USA


"Zaira was an intuitive facilitator that encouraged participation and kept us engaged throughout. The workshop was delivered at a brilliant pace, ran smoothly and catered to those with varying levels of experiences of art therapy. The feedback from our staff was extremely positive and we would definitely welcome Zaira back for further sessions."

-Megan Larner, HR Manager, Rawlinson and Hunter, UK

“My sessions with Zaira were nothing short of incredible. She guided me into a safe space to process, release and transform on so many levels. She's got a unique gift and I recommend her to anyone who is looking for ways to let go, connect and expand.”

-Alexandra Wicksell, Founder, The Leap Space, Spain


“Zaira is truly empathetic, intuitive and uses unique techniques and non-traditional approaches that helps one to achieve their full potential. She’s easy to talk to, understanding, and her perceptions helped me to learn about myself, uncover hidden problem areas that had been clogging my life and grow substantially.”

-Jonathan Schechter, Membership Manager, Hush House, USA

Are you ready to ignite your creative fire and manifest a life filled with limitless possibilities?

Click below to book a free therapy or coaching discovery call, learn more about creative wellbeing workshops or to book an energy healing session.

  • Qualifications and Training

    Masters in Integrative Arts Psychotherapy (in progress with the Institute of Arts in Therapy and Education)

    Certificate in Counselling Skills with the Arts (IATE)

    Co-active Coaching (ICF)

    Organisational and Relational Systems Coaching (ORSC)

    Shamanic Energy Healing (Deselva School of Training)

  • Professional Memberships

    The British Association of Art Therapists

    The Black, African and Asian Therapists Network

    The UK Council for Psychotherapy

    Le Ciel Foundation - Holistic Visions Community

    Nexus Global